How to Host a Diaper Raffle in Five Easy Steps

diaper raffle

Did you know that the average baby goes through 2,000+ diapers in their first year? Diapers are something that parents always need! Consider a diaper raffle for the baby shower if you want to help new parents stock up on diapers. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about diaper raffles!

What Is a Diaper Raffle?

A diaper raffle is a fun baby shower activity in which you ask baby shower guests to bring a box of diapers for the chance to win a raffle!

When guests arrive at the baby shower, they get a raffle ticket in exchange for bringing diapers. Before the end of the shower, the baby shower host will draw a raffle winner. The winner receives a prize just for bringing diapers!

diaper raffle
A dimple raffle is a simple way to keep your guests engaged at your baby shower. Plus, you get to stock up on diapers!

Why Do People Participate in Diaper Raffles?

Baby shower guests often choose to participate in diaper raffles as a way to help the parents-to-be and for the chance to win a fabulous prize!

A diaper raffle is also a fun way to be involved in the baby shower. Sometimes baby shower guests don’t enjoy guessing games or other baby shower games. A diaper raffle allows guests to participate simply by bringing diapers.

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How Do I Run A Diaper Raffle?

To run a successful diaper raffle, you need to be prepared. Here’s everything you need to know about running a baby shower diaper raffle.

1. Let Baby Shower Guests Know You Are Having a Diaper Raffle

The first step is to let baby shower guests know you are having a diaper raffle. Anyone who wishes to participate must purchase diapers before the baby shower.

You can include a note on the baby shower invitation explaining that there will be a diaper raffle. You can also have an insert card with the invitation to inform guests.

If the parents-to-be have any requests, such as a particular brand of diapers (Huggies, Pampers, cloth diapers, etc.), or if they would like various diaper sizes, be sure to include this information for guests as well.

2. Purchase Supplies for the Diaper Raffle

Now that you’ve spread the word about the diaper raffle, it’s time to purchase supplies. To host a diaper raffle, you will need diaper raffle tickets, a diaper raffle table, and a grand prize for the raffle winner.

You could also choose to decorate the diaper raffle table or set up a sign for the diaper raffle table. If you wish to do so, you will also need those supplies.

If you would rather print diaper raffle tickets at home, there are many free printable diaper raffle tickets available online.

diaper raffle
Make sure you have all the supplies you need for the diaper raffle!

3. Set Up the Diaper Raffle Table

On the day of the baby shower, set up a table for guests to place their packs of diapers. You could include a sign indicating that the table is for the diaper raffle.

SEE ALSO:  How to Play the Baby Shower Candy Bar Game

Pro Tip: It’s helpful to have a separate diaper raffle table and gift table. If you try to stack everything together, it can be challenging to sift through gifts to open for the mom-to-be.

4. Distribute Tickets for the Diaper Raffle

As guests arrive, hand out baby shower diaper raffle tickets to everyone who brings diapers! If you are co-hosting the shower, one of the hosts could stand at the diaper raffle table to ensure everyone gets a ticket.

You could also opt to write the guest’s name on a slip of paper and add each slip to a bowl. This is a great DIY option to save money or keep the raffle simple.

5. Draw the Diaper Raffle Winner

Before the end of the baby shower, mix all of the raffle tickets in a bowl and let the mom-to-be pull the winning ticket. The winner receives the grand prize!

What Are Good Prize Ideas for a Diaper Raffle?

Now that you understand how to run a diaper raffle, you may wonder what to use for prizes. Check out these grand prize ideas. If you’d like a more exhaustive list, check out these great ideas for diaper raffle gift ideas.

Movie Ticket Gift Basket

Create a gift basket with movie tickets, popcorn, candy, and other movie supplies! This fun diaper raffle prize idea allows guests to pick the movie they see!

diaper raffle
Give your guests a great gift with movie tickets!

Spa Gift Basket

A spa gift basket is a prize that anybody would love to win! Include a gift card for a pedicure, supplies for bubble baths and at-home face masks, etc.


Pair a few bottles of wine with wine glasses or another type of alcohol! Everybody loves to win a nice bottle of wine!

diaper raffle
Your guests will love a great wine basket!

Gift Card

Gift cards are always a great choice! This allows the winner to pick out whatever they would like. Some popular gift card options are Target, Starbucks, and Dunkin Donuts. You can do a higher dollar amount for the gift card or pair the gift card with other items.

SEE ALSO:  How to Play My Water Broke Baby Shower Game

Should I Include the Diaper Raffle on the Baby Shower Invitation?

You should include information about the diaper raffle on the baby shower invitation. You can have it directly on the invitation or add an insert card.

Here is some sample diaper raffle wording for a baby shower invitation: “If you would like to participate in the diaper raffle, please bring a package of diapers to the baby shower. Everyone who brings diapers will be entered into a raffle for a prize!”

If you need help with how to include your diaper raffle information in your invitation, check out this article on diaper raffle wording.


Macy Westlund is a writer and contributor for Bespoke Baby Shower. Macy is the oldest of five and has a large extended family and has been attending baby showers for as long as she can remember.

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