Gift Basket Baby Shower Gift Ideas New Parents Will Love

Gift Basket Baby Shower Gift Ideas

A baby shower is incomplete without ‘showering’ the mom-to-be with gifts. Therefore, if you’re planning to attend a baby shower, you’re probably contemplating what to gift the expecting parents.

Gift baskets are among the most popular baby shower gifts since they’re versatile, and you can customize them to your liking. So get ready for fascinating ideas on unique, helpful, and practical items to give as your baby shower gift.

What Is an Appropriate Baby Shower Gift?

While there’s an array of items you can give as baby shower gifts, it would help if you considered what the mom-to-be would use. It would be a waste to buy a pretty or fancy gift that will end up in the trash since it’s impractical.

Here are some appropriate baby shower gifts you could consider:

  • Diapers and wipes are practical newborn gifts, as a new baby requires tons of diapers, especially during the first year. But ensure you only buy the smallest size since the baby will outgrow them too fast. Also, go for diapers and wipes made using hypoallergic materials, mostly from renowned brands like Pampers.
  • Baby clothes: A baby will need a good supply of clothes. But like diapers, choose a larger size the baby will wear to their first birthday. Ideal baby clothes include plain onesies, pajamas, and footed baby pants.
  • Clip-on toys: Babies require interactive toys that enhance their visual, tactile, and auditory development. Clip-on toys are perfect for keeping the little ones engaged in the stroller, crib, or play mats. Some clip-on toys have different textures, teething, and sound features.
  • Muslin blankets: These are must-haves for new parents. And the best thing about these baby blankets is their versatility. You can use them as nursing covers, burp cloths, swaddled, changing mats, or stroller covers.
  • Bibs: Messy is a baby’s second name. Whether playing or feeding, babies will always make a mess. So bibs are perfect baby shower gifts that won’t go into the trash cans. And silicone bibs are better than fabric ones since you can easily wipe them.
  • Baby books: Babies are like sponges that absorb information as they grow up. A couple of touch-and-feel board books make ideal baby shower gifts to keep the baby engaged. And the little one will start learning new things from an early age.
  • Playing mat or changing pad: These are useful gifts that may not be on the mom-to-be’s gift registry. But she’ll love having a playing mat where her little one can play safely. And a changing pad will come in handy, especially when the new parents are outdoors.
  • Diaper bag: A diaper bag is a must-have even if the parents-to-be aren’t traveling enthusiasts. Still, they’ll need to go outdoors, whether to the park or for a doctor’s appointment. Diaper bags come in different designs, including backpacks and tote bags. But one with multiple easy-to-clean compartments would be ideal.
  • Rocking chair: Allow the new parents to rock their child to sleep by gifting them a rocking chair. We all know how fussy babies can be in the first few months, and a tired mom and dad would love something to soothe their little one.
Gift Basket Baby Shower Gift Ideas
Use a diaper bag as a functional gift bag by filling it with baby essentials.

How Do I Make an Amazing Gift Basket?

Don’t feel like buying a pre-made baby shower gift basket? Customizing a gift basket to your liking is more personal and so much fun. But how do you make it even more special?

SEE ALSO:  Creative Ways to Wrap a Large Baby Shower Gift

Here are some ways to make a fantastic gift basket:

  • Use a ballet-inspired theme: Is your friend or loved one expecting a baby girl? Why not surprise her with a ballet-inspired gift basket? You can spread a pink baby blanket on the basket and wrap pink tulle around it to create a pretty tutu effect. Then, add baby essentials, including diapers, wipes, pacifiers, bottom balm, and baby bottles.
  • Baby wagon: How about a personalized baby wagon to package your baby shower gifts? Customize your gift basket by following a specific theme, preferably what the new parents have planned for their nursery. For instance, you can choose the most popular jungle theme and fill your wagon with precious items like a plush blanket, teethers, and baby essentials.
  • Laundry basket: A new baby means more laundry. So the mom-to-be will gladly welcome a laundry basket full of laundry supplies. But it shouldn’t be bland, as you can curate it to make a fantastic gift basket. Wrap colorful ribbon or fabric around it and fill the basket with laundry essentials for a baby girl or boy.

What Should I Put in a Baby Shower Gift Basket?

There’s no hard or fast rule on what to put in a baby shower gift basket. It all boils down to your preferences or what the parents-to-be need. So, it’s always advisable to choose practical and valuable items that the baby or mom and dad will use.

But there are a ton of items you can put in a baby shower gift basket, including:

  • Baby essentials: A baby can’t have enough essentials because they are items needed daily. So helping the new parents stock up on baby essentials would be a brilliant baby shower basket idea. These include diapers, wipes, diaper rash cream, organic lotion, baby socks, booties, swaddle blankets, and feeding essentials.
  • Bath time supplies: Treat the mom-to-me to a one-of-a-kind baby bath time with bath supplies. You can include baby shampoo, a hooded towel, washcloths, and moisturizer. While you can use a wicker basket for the bathtime supplies, a baby tub would be a better gift basket. Then, incorporate a ducky theme by adding rubber duckies and wrapping the tub using a yellow ribbon with a white bow.
  • Nap time package: Newborn babies sleep for hours, and you could make this experience hassle-free by giving a naptime gift set. Include items like PJs, pacifiers, white light, music mobiles, and a swaddle.
  • Healthcare and grooming kit: Babies also require care and grooming, so this kit will come in handy. A healthcare and grooming kit includes baby care items like a thermometer, sleep quality and wellness monitor, nasal aspirator, cotton balls, and bandages. And the grooming set will have nail clippers, a silicone toothbrush, a baby comb, and a hair brush.
  • Baby keepsake gift set: Mom and dad would be delighted to track their baby’s milestones. So, gifting them a keepsake gift set would be ideal. This gift basket includes a memory book, a photoshoot gift card, a photo frame, or a journal. You can also give them a stand-alone keepsake box with compartments to keep treasured baby items.
  • Items for mom: The new mom also requires care after an overwhelming pregnancy and delivery journey. Help her get back to her feet by gifting her a recovery gift set, including items such as teas, herbal baths, maternity pads, a nursing pillow, nipple balm, and breast pads.
  • Gift cards or subscriptions: Although a gift card might appear impersonal, it’s one of the best baby shower gifts. If you choose this option, have a small gift basket with gift cards or subscriptions to essential services like diaper supplies. You can also complement it with edible goodies or flowers.
Gift Basket Baby Shower Gift Ideas
Consider practical items like bath time essentials for your gift basket.

How Do You Make a Gift Basket Stand Out?

The parents-to-be will probably receive several gift baskets during the baby shower. Hence, you can make yours stand out from the crowd by adding a special touch.

SEE ALSO:  What Do I Wear to My Baby Shower?

Here’s how to make an eye-catcher gift basket:

  • Decorate it – Put your creative foot forward and decorate your DIY gift basket to your liking. You can go for this pea-in-a-pod basket version if you want a gender-neutral theme. Or craft your gift basket into a basket bouquet with specific colors, depending on the baby’s gender.
  • Add a clothes hanger – If you’re presenting your gifts in a laundry basket, adding a clothes hanger with hung onesies or baby socks would grab everyone’s attention. You can also use a clothesline and hang the baby clothes using clothes. Then, fill the basket with baby essentials.
  • Turn it into a baby stroller – Are you planning to craft your gift basket into a diaper cake? Make it even more outstanding by turning it into a baby stroller.
Gift Basket Baby Shower Gift Ideas
Adding adorable decorations will help set your gift basket apart from something more basic.

What Should You Not Put in a Gift Basket?

Many baby shower guests go all out to buy gifts that demonstrate their affection and goodwill to the parents-to-be. But it’s easy to get items that the new parents will never use after the baby arrives. So, what should you not put in a gift basket?

  • Holiday-themed outfits – It’s easy to get caught up with the season’s frenzy and think of including holiday-themed outfits in your gift basket. Even if they’re cute, the baby will probably wear them once or never, depending on their size.
  • Small-sized clothing – The newborn baby will most likely receive many newborn clothes, and they may not even wear them all. If they’re all small-sized, the baby will probably outgrow them before their first or second birthday.
  • Cheap bowls or measuring cups – The new parents most likely have these in their kitchen and will not need an additional set.
  • Hard-to-clean items – Caring for a newborn is already a lot of work. So, you want to avoid burdening the mom-to-be with more cleaning tasks by giving her hard-to-clean items.
  • Used items – A baby’s skin is super sensitive. Hence, a used clothing or swaddling blanket may trigger skin rash or allergies.
SEE ALSO:  15 Amazing Diaper Raffle Gift Ideas

Having difficulty figuring out the right amount to spend on your gift basket baby shower gift? Check out this great guide for how much to spend on a baby shower gift.


Catherine W. N. is a millennial mom to two adorable kids. She became a full-time freelance writer after resigning from her job as a medical doctor. When she’s not busy penning tips about motherhood and throwing fun-tastic baby showers, she’s playing with her kids, hanging out with her husband, or volunteering at her local church.

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