Save on Your Shower with 5 Cheap Baby Shower Ideas

cheap baby shower ideas

Baby showers can be expensive! If you are looking for a way to host a baby shower on a budget, we have the best cheap baby shower ideas that can help. Keep reading to learn more!

Who Pays for a Baby Shower Traditionally?

The baby shower hostess traditionally pays for the baby shower. To avoid putting a financial burden on one person, often family members or a group of friends host the baby shower together and split the cost.

How Much Does a Baby Shower Usually Cost?

Baby showers can cost anywhere from $100-$1,000. The cost of a baby shower depends on the following:

  • How many guests attend
  • The cost of the venue
  • Food and drinks
  • Decor
  • Party favors
  • Cutlery, plates, cups
  • Invitations
  • Game prizes

How Can I Have an Inexpensive Baby Shower?

You can have an inexpensive baby shower by keeping things simple! Here are some tips for hosting an affordable baby shower:

  • Skip the alcohol. Don’t serve alcohol at the baby shower. This will provide significant savings.
  • Inexpensive prizes. Find cheap prizes for baby shower games on Amazon or at the Dollar Store.
  • Skip the baby shower favors. Favors can be a nice touch, but if you are on a budget, this is easy to cut.
  • Plan your budget and stick to it. Determine what you can afford for the baby shower, and stick to your budget.
  • Choose theme colors rather than a baby shower theme. Pick a color theme for the baby shower rather than a specific theme.
SEE ALSO:  Simple Tips for Virtual Baby Shower Invitation Wording

What Are Some Cheap Baby Shower Ideas?

If you are looking to host the best baby shower party for the parents-to-be, but are looking to save money, here are some tips:

Host Your Baby Shower at a Free Venue

Save money by hosting your baby shower at a free venue. Here are some ideas for free baby shower venues:

  • Someone’s home. If you can’t host the baby shower at your home, see if someone else close to the Mom-to-be would be open to having the event at their home.
  • A local park. Parks can be inexpensive or free. A park is also a beautiful outdoor venue to host a baby shower!
  • Virtual baby shower. There’s no need for a physical venue if you have a virtual baby shower!
  • Church. If you or the mom-to-be belongs to a church, you may be able to reserve a banquet hall or room at your church for free or at a very minimal cost.

Create Digital Invitations for Free

You can create digital invitations for free! Punchbowl is a site that allows you to send free online invitations. They have lots of templates!

You can also use Canva to be more creative and add unique design elements. Canva is also free and has excellent baby shower invitation templates.

What Is the Cheapest Food for a Baby Shower?

Keep the baby shower food simple if you want to stick to a budget. Consider doing a cake and punch shower by just serving drinks and desserts.

Pro Tip: If you choose to do a cake and punch shower, mention this on the baby shower invitation. That way, guests can eat beforehand if they would like.

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Other cheap food ideas include chili, soup, chips and dip, crockpot meatballs, and veggie trays. Additionally, consider shopping at a grocery store like Aldi for extra savings.

cheap baby shower ideas
Save money on food at your baby shower by sticking to lighter fare such as veggies and appetizers.

What Are Some Inexpensive Decoration Ideas?

Baby shower decorations don’t have to be expensive. Here are some budget-friendly ways to decorate for a baby shower party:

  • Cut flowers from your yard or garden and put them in vases or mason jars on tables. These make for great centerpieces!
  • Purchase decor from the Dollar Store! You can find balloons, streamers, banners, and more at the Dollar Store!
  • DIY decorations. Make decorations at home! Get creative and make a diaper cake, banners, and anything else you can do on a budget.
  • Purchase napkins, plates, silverware, tablecloths, and other supplies at the Dollar Store.

How to Save Money by Going DIY

There are so many ways to DIY a baby shower to save money! Here are some of our favorites.

Play Free Baby Shower Games

There are many options for free baby shower games and free printables online! Pick out a few fun games and play those in the shower. Games are a simple DIY – you just have to print the game before the party!

cheap baby shower ideas
Going DIY is a great way to save money. Make your own decorations like these paper flowers.

Hang Up Christmas Lights

Do you have white or clear Christmas lights? Hang up pretty lights for simple, beautiful decor that you already own! Twinkling lights are sure to be loved by the new Mom!

Make A Onesie Banner

Hang up onesies in a banner. This simple but festive DIY decor idea is a ton of fun. You can also decorate with other baby items!

SEE ALSO:  Express Your Gratitude with these Drive-By Baby Shower Favors

If you’re also looking for ways to buy a gift on a budget, we have you covered there too! Check out these great ideas for cheap baby shower gifts.


Macy Westlund is a writer and contributor for Bespoke Baby Shower. Macy is the oldest of five and has a large extended family and has been attending baby showers for as long as she can remember.

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