15 Amazing Cheap Baby Shower Gift Ideas

cheap baby shower gift ideas

Picture this. Your friend or cousin has invited you to their baby shower, but your budget for a gift is small, so you’re feeling a little overwhelmed since you don’t know what to buy.

Well, no need to worry because we’ve got you. Here are 15 unique cheap baby shower gift ideas you can purchase for your loved one.

How Much Should I Spend on a Baby Shower Gift?

There are no hard and fast rules on the amount you should spend on a baby shower gift. You can spend as little or as much as you can afford.

On average, most people spend between 10$ and $100 on a gift. However, this depends on their financial ability and relationship with the mom-to-be. 

For instance, if the expecting mom is a colleague or a distant relative, you can spend $15-30. If she is a close friend or relative, you can spend $30-50. But if she is an important person in your life, you can even spend up to $200.

What is a Good Baby Shower Gift for a Small Budget?

I know you’ve heard it said; it’s the thought that counts. That’s true. Therefore, any baby-related item is a good baby shower gift as long as it’s practical.

However, if you’re on a small budget, here are great gift ideas you can check out.    


A newborn can never have too many baby clothes. They outgrow the clothes fast, needing more every few months. Hence baby clothes make a perfect baby shower gift. 

The most convenient pieces are baby pants, onesies, rompers, and pajamas. These garments are usually cheap and come in various colors and designs, so you can get several.

One of our favorites is the Peanutshell Newborn Clothes & Accessories Set. It comprises 30 pieces of clothing and accessories for a newborn. Moreover, the clothes are 100% cotton, making them breathable and cozy for the baby.   

SEE ALSO:  7 Unisex Baby Shower Prizes Your Guests Will Love
cheap baby shower gift ideas
Baby clothes are always appreciated, and you can never have too many.

Pacifiers or Teethers

Pacifiers and teethers are underrated baby shower gifts because they are so tiny and cheap. However, they are handy and one of the best ideas for a small budget.

First-time moms are the most likely to forget these items when shopping. Therefore, get a colorful pack of teethers or pacifiers, and the mom-to-be will thank you. 

Most of them are latex or silicone, but silicone is better because it’s more durable and doesn’t retain odors.   

Swaddle Blankets

Swaddle blankets are a perfect gift idea for a small budget. These blankets are an excellent gift for the mom-to-be as much as the baby uses them. Why is that? Swaddling helps babies sleep more soundly; hence the new mom can get enough uninterrupted rest.

When purchasing a swaddle blanket, go for a neutral color to match several other baby items the mother has.

Burp Cloths

Burp clothes are another baby item that new parents easily forget until the baby arrives.

Babies are cute but a little messy too. That’s why the parents-to-be need a burp cloth after nursing or bottle-feeding their little one.

The best part about this gift item is they’re cheap. Take, for instance, this muslin burp cloth. It’s affordable and works great, thanks to its super absorbent property.  


Bibs are essential during feeding and when teething, as babies tend to drool excessively.

So save the new parents the hustle of constantly cleaning after the little one by buying them a pack of bibs like this muslin baby bibs for a baby girl. It’s a six-pack of various colors with buttons for easy wearing. It’s designed with a ruffle leaf edge and can match multiple clothing styles.

cheap baby shower gift ideas
From teething to eating, new parents will be grateful for having plenty of bibs!


A pair of cute little booties will elate the mom-to-be since they’ll get to step out in style. Unlike the usual socks, booties are classy and fashionable. 

Get a pair with fleece lining if the baby arrives during the cold season. Otherwise, cotton can also do the trick.

SEE ALSO:  When to Send Out Baby Shower Invites

The best part about this gift is that you don’t need to break the bank because you can get them for less than $20, like this pair of Hudson Baby Unisex-Baby Cozy Fleece Booties.  

Board Books

Today’s parents appreciate the need to start reading to their kids early. You can buy them their first book. How cool is that?

Board books are ideal for the little fingers and allow kids to develop a love for books and reading at a young age. Moreover, they’re cheap, perfect as a small-budget gift.

As you select a board book gift, ensure the stories and illustrations are age appropriate. Choose one that targets 0-3 years so the new mom can start using it as soon as the baby is born.  

Diaper Cake

In case you’re wondering, this is not a real edible cake. It’s a cake-like setup made out of diapers.

A diaper cake can be displayed at the baby shower as a table centerpiece and given to the mom-to-be as a gift. A diaper cake is a brilliant gift since babies can never have too many diapers. And the best part is that you can make a diaper cake yourself.   

Wipes, Body Wash, & other Baby Necessities

You can never go wrong with baby necessities such as wipes, body wash, lotion, grooming kit, and diaper bag.

Select a few items, wrap them in a decorated box, or package them in a gift basket. The parent’s to be will be grateful for the variety of things in the bag.

Inexpensive Toys

Most baby shower gifts are usually baby necessities. So you can make yours unique by getting inexpensive baby toys for the little one. The most appropriate for a baby shower would be toys that the child can use between 0 and 1 year. 

For instance, you can buy a baby piano, a crawling tortoise, musical toys with LED lights, a set of teething toys, or car toys (especially for a baby boy). These are all fun items that will keep the baby busy and entertained. 

Share the Cost of a More Expensive Gift

If you’re on a small budget but want to buy a more expensive gift, you can share the cost with other friends or family attending the baby shower.

SEE ALSO:  What to Wear to a Baby Shower: 10 Great Outfit Ideas

Pool the money together and get one outstanding gift for the expecting parents and their new baby. For example, you can buy a video baby monitor, baby rocking horse, crib bedding set, stroller, or a bassinet that doubles up as changing table and baby area.  

What Are Some Good DIY Cheap Baby Shower Gift Ideas?

All is not lost if you don’t have the money to buy a baby shower gift. You can offer a lot at no monetary cost, especially when the baby arrives. 

Some excellent DIY gift ideas include.


If the mom-to-be has other kids, caring for them in the last weeks of a pregnancy can be challenging since the mom needs to rest. Therefore, you can offer to babysit so the mom-to-be can rest, take a walk, or run some errands.

You can also babysit the new baby once they are born, so the new mom can take a long shower, sleep, hang out with friends, run some errands, or go for a walk.  

cheap baby shower gift ideas
Help with childcare after a new baby is born will certainly be appreciated by the new parents.

Housework Help

Housework can be overwhelming in the last days of pregnancy. And it can even be more challenging when there’s an older sibling. Therefore, helping with housework is a unique baby shower gift a mom-to-be would appreciate. 

That way, they can have enough time to rest as they prepare for delivery. 

Homemade Meals

Cooking can be challenging for the mom-to-be as they get closer to their delivery date. It’s tiring and uncomfortable due to all the heat and standing for a long time. So, offering them homemade meals allows the new parents to enjoy good food without all the work. 

You can prepare various recipes depending on your budget. However, it would be good to ask what they like so your efforts are well-spent.  

Homemade Memory Book

A memory book is another excellent baby shower gift idea.

Make a DIY book and design it like an album, then fill it with pictures and beautiful descriptions of past events for the expecting parents. This book is the perfect keepsake. 


Catherine W. N. is a millennial mom to two adorable kids. She became a full-time freelance writer after resigning from her job as a medical doctor. When she’s not busy penning tips about motherhood and throwing fun-tastic baby showers, she’s playing with her kids, hanging out with her husband, or volunteering at her local church.

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