Take the Stress Out of Planning with Free Diaper Raffle Printables

free diaper raffle printables

Having some baby shower games for your upcoming event is one of the most exciting things to plan for your upcoming celebration. A diaper raffle is one of the most accessible but exciting games you can have on the day itself. In this article, we’ll walk you through some fundamentals about this game, how to do it, and where to get printables, among other concerns you must consider as early as the planning phase.

What Is a Diaper Raffle?

A diaper raffle refers to a raffle where guests who bring diapers as gifts for the baby are given a chance to win a prize. The host will create a series of tickets beforehand for the participants, which they can draw.

Each ticket possesses its unique number, letter, or other combinations that will differentiate it from the rest. Even if the diaper raffle game is easy to ignore, prizes can make things more exciting.

It’s also worth noting that diaper raffle prizes don’t have to be grandiose. Sometimes, the host can pick out smaller items to give away.

free diaper raffle printables
A diaper raffle runs much like a normal raffle, but to be entered guests must bring a pack of diapers.

How to Do a Diaper Raffle

Step 1. Send Invites

First, you must send baby shower invitations to your guests. Make sure to mention in your invitations that guests who bring diapers as gifts will be entered into the diaper raffle for the chance to win a prize.

SEE ALSO:  How to Play the Baby Shower Candy Bar Game

If you need help with how to word your diaper raffle on your invitation, we have a great guide for diaper raffle wording available.

Step 2. Drop off the Diapers

Next, inform your guests where they can drop off the pack of diapers. It can be a specific table or a DIY gift area. Regardless of your chosen spot, make sure to label it accordingly.

Step 3. Issue the Tickets

Once everyone is settled, issue the tickets to the guests. Go over the diaper raffle signs and rules with the participants beforehand, as they will need to participate in the game by submitting their entry tickets.

Step 4. Prepare for the Drawing

After these, prepare the ticket draw. This can be a bag wherein guests can drop the tickets they have drawn.

Once the baby shower diaper raffle tickets are in and the diapers have been collected, the host may draw a winner. It’s vital to ensure the winner is an active participant in the game. Before drawing a winner, the host should also ensure the baby shower prizes are ready.

Step 5. Announce the winners

Finally, announce the raffle winner once all the diapers are distributed.

Where Can I Download Free Printable Diaper Raffle Tickets?

There are several websites where you can get instant download or checkout of free diaper raffle printables for your upcoming event. Some of these websites offer completely customizable printable templates. In contrast, others offer pre-made designs that you can print out quickly.

You may also find free designs on sites like Pinterest and Etsy. Search for “free diaper raffle printables” to see what’s available. These can be great options if you need to print something quickly.

SEE ALSO:  Excellent Baby Shower Games for Large Groups

Suppose you want to create something special for your diaper raffle cards. In that case, you can design your own printables with a design program like Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator for personal use. You can also use simple graphic design programs like Canva to create something special for your event or place some customized image inserts. With the right design tools and creativity, you’ll be able to create something unique and memorable for your diaper raffle.

What Are Good Prizes for a Diaper Raffle?

You can consider things like baby wipes and lotion if you’re looking for good prizes for a diaper raffle. Another option is to give out gift cards to stores. This will allow the winners to pick out something special for themselves.

These are just some ideas you can implement before getting free baby shower printable baby shower game tickets for the raffle. If you think about it, the options are endless, especially if you’re creative enough. The important thing is to ensure that the prizes are something the participants will find useful and enjoyable.

Diaper Raffle Prize Ideas

Some popular prizes you can include are:

Nail care kit

This prize idea is relatively unisex, so it’s perfect for a raffle that involves all genders.

free diaper raffle printables
A nail care kit is an incredibly practical prize for a diaper raffle.

Tea towels

Tea towels are great for those who love to cook or make art. It’s an excellent choice for those who appreciate homeware and handmade products.

free diaper raffle printables
A great set of kitchen or tea towels is a useful prize your guests will love.

Pampering Items

Pampering and self-care items are great options, especially if you’re looking for a more gender-neutral prize. Skincare and spa gift items like face masks, body scrubs, and lip balms are welcome prizes.

free diaper raffle printables
Gift the prize of self-care with a great pampering kit. Include items like face cream, a jade roller, and some face masks.

Baby wipes

This prize may seem simple, but it’s pretty practical. Baby wipes are something that most people use, so it’s a safe bet to include them as prizes.

free diaper raffle printables
Baby wipes aren’t just for babies anymore! These practical wipes can make a great diaper raffle prize!

Gift cards

Gift cards are always great choices since the winners can select whatever items they want.

free diaper raffle printables
Give a gift card as your diaper raffle prize and let guests treat themselves!

By offering a variety of prizes, participants will have something to look forward to, and you can ensure that your diaper raffle is a success. From practical items to fun rewards, diaper raffle prizes can be something that all of your guests will enjoy.


Joanne is a nocturnal person who loves traveling and coffee. She’s also an animal lover (and rescuer) who makes it a point to befriend every animal she meets. Her passion for learning led her to writing about various topics.

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