How to Play the Mom or Dad Baby Shower Game

mom or dad baby shower game

Want to have some fun during your co-ed baby shower? How about incorporating gender-neutral baby shower games like the Mom or Dad baby shower game into your baby shower activities?

Such baby shower games will help break the ice, especially if some guests don’t know each other. Plus, they add fun and color to your party.

We’ll cover everything you need to know about the Mom or Dad baby shower game. So, let’s dive in!

What is the Mom or Dad Baby Shower Game?

Mom or Dad is a fun baby shower game where guests show their prowess in answering questions about the parents-to-be. It usually involves trivia about the parents-to-be and what they’re likely to do before or after the baby arrives.

The Mom and Dad baby shower game is perfect for co-ed baby showers since it involves both parents. And letting the guests participate by answering questions on the game sheets (or game cards) makes it even more exciting. So, there won’t be an absolute winner. But despite lacking this competitive aspect, everyone will laugh their hearts out at the answers given.

Plus, you can play it any time during the party. For instance, you can have it between two baby shower games, like the diaper raffle and guess baby food. However, it’s best played at the end of the baby shower before the parents-to-be make their final remarks and thank the games.

Mom and Dad is also a perfect party game for virtual baby showers.

mom or dad baby shower game
The mom and dad baby shower game is great for co-ed baby showers.

How Do You Play Mommy Or Daddy Baby Shower Game?

The Mommy and Daddy baby shower game is a simple concept everyone can follow easily.

Here’s how to play this fascinating party game:

  1. Prepare the Game Materials

    You can download a printable game sheet for the Mom or Dad baby shower game. Then print several copies depending on the number of guests on your guest list. Alternatively, buy ready-made game cards from your nearest store.

    The game sheets will have questions with answer options on the far right. The answers will indicate either mommy or daddy using letters, icons (like lips or mustaches), or emojis.
  2. Distribute the Game Sheets among The Guests

    Once the guests are ready to start, distribute the game sheets among them. Then, let them know the game’s rules and how to play it—also, hand over the props to the parents-to-be.
  3. Choose the Game Host

    The party host can also host the Mom or Dad game. But you can also choose another host from the guest list.

    The host reads out the questions loudly as the guests fill out their game sheets by guessing the correct answers. Then, they can circle or tick an answer for each question.

    The parents-to-be will also show their answer to each question by lifting their props. And the host can note the ‘correct answer’ to each question.The expecting parents can sit in front of the guests so that everyone can see their lifted props.

    Watching the guests’ reactions will be fun as they compare their answers with what prop mommy or daddy lifts for each question.
  4. Check Answers on Guests’ Game Sheets

    Once the host has finished reading the questions, find out who got the most correct answers. You can let them exchange their game sheets (game cards) and match the answers with the answers given by the parents-to-be.

    The person with the most correct guesses emerges as the winner.

    P.S. There are several twists to this game. So, in most cases, there’s no winner since mommy or daddy gives no right or wrong answer.
mom or dad baby shower game
The Mom or Dad game is sure to keep all of your guests laughing!

What Do I Need to Play the Mom or Dad Baby Shower Game?

There are minimal requirements for the Mom and Dad baby shower game.

SEE ALSO:  How to Play the Candy Bar Diaper Game

Here’s what you need to play the game:

  1. Game sheets – Download and print templates on cardstock or purchase ready-made game cards from a local or online store.
  2. Props for mom-to-be and daddy-to-be – You can make them using cardboard and paint them with gender-themed colors like blue and pink or red and black (for lips and mustache).
  3. Writing materials such as felt pens or pencils
  4. Game prize(s)

Mom or Dad Baby Shower Game Questions

Mom and Dad baby shower game sheets usually have several questions related to the parents-to-be and their baby.

You can have as many questions as you wish, depending on what game sheet template you’ve used. Still, you can personalize the baby shower trivia to match the personality of the parents-to-be. Or, you can have your preferred set of questions that matches the baby shower theme.

Here are general questions to have in your Mom or Dad baby shower game:

Guess who:

  1. Who will be more nervous during labor?
  2. Who came up with the baby’s name?
  3. Which parent will the baby look like the most?
  4. Who will call the pediatrician more?
  5. Who was the bigger baby at birth?
  6. Who will want the most kids?
  7. Who will be the baby spoiler?
  8. Who will read to the baby more?
  9. Who has prepared more for the baby?
  10. Who will take more baby photos or videos?
  11. Who will change more diapers?
  12. Who’s going to be best at picking the diaper bag?
  13. Which parent will handle sleep deprivation better?
  14. Who will sing the best lullabies?
  15. Which parent will pick up more baby stuff around the house?
  16. Who will be better at putting the baby in their car seat?
  17. Who’ll be the baby’s go-to parent?
  18. Who is more likely to forget baby items when packing the diaper bag?
  19. Who will buy more baby clothes?
  20. Who will wake up often in the middle of the night to check on the baby?
SEE ALSO:  How to Play Baby Shower Bingo

Mom Or Dad Baby Shower Game Questions Printable

Wondering where to get printable or editable templates for the Mom or Dad baby shower game?

You’ll find printable game cards in online stores and game websites, including:

You can also find printed themed game cards from nearby retailers.

Baby Shower Game Prizes

Most baby shower games are competitive, and the winners walk home with prizes to celebrate their victory. However, if it’s a guessing game, the winner is usually the person with the most correct answers.

What prizes to award your baby shower game winners? Here are some exciting ideas:

  • Succulents – These are gender-neutral game prizes every guest will love. Who would mind some greenery in their favorite spot in the house or office? The best thing about succulents is that they’re inexpensive, especially when you buy them in sets.
  • DIY mini drink gift set – Buy miniature bottles of wine or another drink. Then, pair it with themed wine glasses, a packet of chocolate, or crackers. Place these goodies in a gift basket or a DIY gift box and decorate them to your liking.
  • Gift cards – Let the game winners choose their preferred gift by awarding them some gift cards from Amazon or another retailer. You can also give restaurant or coffee shop gift cards, depending on the type of guests at your baby shower.
  • Cookbook – Who doesn’t love a delicious homemade meal? It’s even more exciting when you know how to prepare your favorite dishes. A cookbook would be a perfect baby shower game prize. And you can let it be part of a hamper, where you include other cooking essentials like an apron, spices, and a kitchen appliance.
  • Goodies in mason jars – Treat the baby shower game winners to edible or non-edible treats packaged in mason jars. For example, you can fill the mason jars with several layers of ready-to-go brownie mix. Or, have self-care products such as soaps, sugar scrubs, bath salts, scented candles, and manicure sets in the mason jars. Then, seal the containers and add fun tags like ‘You Nailed it’ to polish the look.
  • Bath bombs – Like other celebrations, baby showers can be exhausting. So, guests would appreciate some pampering after a long day. So, scented bath bombs as stand-alone gifts or part of a spa gift set would be a catch. You can get bath bomb sets on Amazon or make them yourself at home.
mom or dad baby shower game
When planning baby shower games, don’t forget great prizes like this self-care kit.

How Many Games Should be Played at a Baby Shower?

Usually, 2-5 games are played at a baby shower. But there’s no hard or fast rule on this. So, you can have as many as you want.

SEE ALSO:  Your How-To Guide for Baby Shower Trivia

However, the number of games you’ll have at your baby shower mainly depends on how long the party will take. Typically, baby shower parties last two hours. So, you can incorporate around 2-3 baby shower games within that duration. Have more or less, depending on how much time you have for entertainment.


Catherine W. N. is a millennial mom to two adorable kids. She became a full-time freelance writer after resigning from her job as a medical doctor. When she’s not busy penning tips about motherhood and throwing fun-tastic baby showers, she’s playing with her kids, hanging out with her husband, or volunteering at her local church.

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