About Us

Are you looking for ideas for the perfect baby shower? Look no further! We have collected the best tips and tricks to make sure your baby shower is a success. From games to decorations, we have everything you need to make this a special event that everyone will remember.

Our Mission

Our site presents the newest trends in baby showers.

Baby showers became popular in the U.S. during and after World Wars 1 and 2, when economically strapped parents needed a little help to prepare for their new babies. However, gift-giving to new parents upon the birth of a baby was common among the Greeks and Romans. The practice continued into the Victorian era, when tea parties, known as “stork parties,” games, and gifts were common right after the babe was born.

Modern baby showers present parents with their baby needs in an event that features themes, decorations, food, favors, and games. Traditionally, the parties were mainly for women in celebration of their first babies.

Modern baby shower trends include coed showers, diaper parties attended mainly by men, mini-showers or “sprinkles” for subsequent babies, gender-neutral showers, and one of the latest types of celebrations – gender reveal parties. 

Now that technology enables most parents to find out the sex of their baby before birth, many couples hold elaborate parties to announce the sex of their unborn child. Some of these events have involved canons that misfired and made the announcements newsworthy.

Our Editorial Process

Our staff labors hard to present the latest trends to our readers to make planning a baby shower easy. The process involves lots of details, and our well-researched articles will make sure you don’t miss a beat.

Our Writers


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Marcus Lane is a husband, father of two, and pastor living in Ann Arbor, MI. When he isn’t spending time with family, he enjoys reading, writing, and cheering for the Minnesota Timberwolves and the University of Michigan.



Catherine W. N. is a millennial mom to two adorable kids. She became a full-time freelance writer after resigning from her job as a medical doctor. When she’s not busy penning tips about motherhood and throwing fun-tastic baby showers, she’s playing with her kids, hanging out with her husband, or volunteering at her local church.



Joanne is a nocturnal person who loves traveling and coffee. She’s also an animal lover (and rescuer) who makes it a point to befriend every animal she meets. Her passion for learning led her to writing about various topics.



Macy Westlund is a writer and contributor for Bespoke Baby Shower. Macy is the oldest of five, has a large extended family, and has been attending baby showers for as long as she can remember.